Our Services

Passionate advocacy, compassionate service – That’s why we’re here!

  • With a focus on empowering survivors, we advocate for their rights and hold perpetrators and negligent employers accountable – because why on earth wouldn’t we?

  • Inequity is a thing of the past, and we’re here to enforce that.

    We specialize in handling gender discrimination cases, recognizing the intricate challenges they pose and their profound impact on individuals' lives and careers. We are passionate about tackling systemic cases and advocating for our clients with personalized attention and strategic advocacy. Our priority is to empower our clients to navigate the legal process with confidence and dignity.

    Maternity Leave & Pregnancy: We believe that you should feel empowered to flaunt your baby bump at work without any fear of repercussions like losing your job or being demoted. Because you shouldn’t feel the need to hide your bump behind grocery bags like they do in the movies for fear of being fired or demoted.

    Paternity Leave: Dads who take time off to bond with their newborns shouldn't have to worry about being perceived as less committed to their work or facing job insecurity.

    Equal Pay: When both genders are putting in similar efforts at work, it's only fair that they receive equal pay for their contributions.

  • Because the bullies never really grew up. They just started wearing business casual downtown. From identifying rights violations to crafting complaints and pursuing remedies through litigation or negotiation, we aim to hold employers accountable for fostering respectful workplaces.

  • We provide guidance on workplace disputes regarding medical accommodations and offer strategic counsel throughout the entire process – because no one deserves to be kicked when they’re already down.

  • Discrimination in the workplace persists, whether it's based on race, disability, sexual orientation, religion, gender, family status, gender identity, or expression. You deserve to thrive in your career without facing unfair treatment or having to compromise who you are.

    We help employees who have encountered discrimination in various forms, including unequal pay, sexual harassment, promotion denials, and hostile work environments. Our team will work tirelessly to investigate your case, gather evidence, and build a strong legal strategy. Whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation, we are dedicated to fighting for justice and holding employers accountable for discriminatory practices.

  • We can't stand it when employers don't give employees what they're legally entitled to when they let them go. It's even worse when employers exploit your lack of awareness about your rights. That's why we're committed to informing our clients about their employment rights, so they can feel empowered if they find themselves in similar situations again.

  • Because you didn’t move to Canada to experience abuse and harassment in the workplace.

    It's important that you feel safe and supported at work. Whether it's concerns about unpaid wages, overtime, long hours, or unsafe conditions, you shouldn't fear losing your job for speaking up about these issues.

  • We are committed to ensuring fair representation for all. However, as a union is the exclusive bargaining agent for workplace matters, our advocacy for unionized workers’ rights requires a different approach.

    Our primary objective is to facilitate constructive communication between union members and their representatives. We take the time to listen and identify the issues that prompted members to seek external legal support. We are known for finding sensible and out-of-the-box solutions that foster productive communication between members and their union. This approach ensures efficient resolution of employer-employee workplace issues, benefiting both the union and our client.

    Sometimes the above approach is not possible or is ineffective. When necessary, we are not afraid to file duty of fair representation complaints and unfair labour practices complaints. We are deeply committed to ensuring that unions fulfill their duty to act in the best interest of all members and represent them fairly and without discrimination in workplace matters.

    Another way we help union members is by filing human rights complaints against employers, and occasionally against their unions. We routinely represent union workers in human rights complaints involving all protected grounds (mental and physical disability, gender, race, family status, etc).

    If you are unsure about the fairness of your employer's settlement offer and would like a second opinion – outside of your union – before making a decision, we’re here to help. We regularly provide independent legal assessments of settlement offers to unionized workers, giving our clients a peace of mind.

    With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by unionized employees, we also actively pursue effective solutions, including advocacy for legislative reform.

  • We meticulously analyze employment contracts to safeguard both employer and employee interests. We ensure legal compliance, assess risks, and negotiate terms for fair compensation, benefits, and working conditions. Because fair employment starts at the beginning.

  • We provide comprehensive and strategic legal counsel for workplace privacy matters.

    For employees, we address questions such as whether employers can monitor activities on work computers, how to access personnel files, and obtaining investigation reports.

    For employers, we offer guidance on complying with privacy legislation when managing employee data and mitigating risks related to sensitive information handling, to protect both employees and the organization.

    Our team includes highly qualified professionals, including a Certified Privacy Professional with a Certified Information Privacy Professional - Canada (CIPP/C) credential from the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).

Our firm has represented clients before a wide range of judicial and administrative bodies, including the Alberta Human Rights Commission, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Alberta Court of Justice, Alberta Court of King's Bench, Alberta Court of Appeal, Alberta Labour Relations Board, Canada Industrial Relations Board, Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board, and Federal Court of Appeal.

Reach out

Speak your truth. We’ll make sure it’s heard.